DeWitt Clinton High School students, teachers and JBOLC community meembers planting trees to care for New York watershed.
Everyone is busy with the important task.
Students on this annual trip directly help the NYC water supply system, learn firsthand from experts about the ecology of the Delaware River/Catskill Mountain Watershed and explore the geology, natural history and farming resources of this section of New York State. Students from our campus have made this trip fifteen times since 2002.
Thus far our students have planted over 3,903 trees, thousands of willows and have removed many invasive plants from rivers that flow into NYC's water supply. Students directly help with a vital task on this trip to help prevent erosion and preserve the quality of NYC's drinking water.
We all got together after accomplishing the mission.
Gal power!
Continuing the great tradition, this year we planted 103 trees and shrubs along with tubes, stakes, and mats in spite of a passing shower and not so kind thorns abound and all around.
Although exhausted from planting, we all got together to make pizzas using early harvest from Meg's garden including young garlic and all kinds of herbs. After devouring good pizzas, we made a fierce camp-fire, sang, listened to a guitar and some of us felt into mellow comtemplation while most of the students were running around with flashlights looking for someone or something..
The following day we all had the chance to visit Lucky Dog Farm for a farm visit, hike to the river and engage in a great and inspiring dialogue with farmer Kalen. After eating our pre-ordered sandwiches from the Lucky Dog Farm Store, we headed on the bus for the Bronx.
Bonding with our teacher
Together, we can do so much!
See we got muscle!